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Lay out of factory

The efficiency of production depends on how well the various machines; production facilities and employee’s amenities are located in a factory. Only the properly laid out factory can ensure the smooth and rapid movement of material, from the raw material stage to the end product stage. Factory layout encompasses new layout as well as improvement in the existing layout. An ideal factory layout should provide the optimum relationship among the output, floor area and manufacturing process.

Layout of factory

Selection of Equipments

To arrive at the optimum output, it is essential to have proper synchronization among the major sections of foundry operations. As output of each section is heavily dependent on the capacity of other sections, it’s absolutely necessary to have proper selection of equipments to match the quality and capacity required.

Selection of Equipments

Process Standardisation

I) Sand and Sand system

II) Methods

III) Moulding practice

IV) Melting

V) Heat Treatment

VI) Fettling & Finishing

Process Standardisation

Problem solving / smart solutions

Technological intensity varies significantly with different industrial segments. Planning systems to recognize the impact of technology vary greatly between different business setups. A jobbing foundry, where product range changes with size, shape, material composition etc. needs expertise and experience to get a quality, sellable product. As variables in foundry operation are too many from raw materials to processes, it’s obvious to have quality deficiency. Here comes the need to address the deficiency to arrive at the right product.

Problem Solving


CHANGE is the only constant in present days world. Moreover, in the present industrial climate in India, a dramatic change in techno-commercial feasibility, functioning of organization and its mindset is essential. While the focus is on techno-commercial feasibility it is advantageous to start with the means or resources available and then its effective ways to get the desired end. The major issues which influence the prospect of business or :

A. Quality of resources and its value.

B. Technical know how and skill.

C. Flexibility to match the changing market.

D. Targeting market based on customer need.

For any engineering application, a material is recognized by its behaviour while subject to applications against mechanical, chemical and thermal forces. Hence, it is essential to have constant improvement in the following areas.

I) Productivity of section / Total Unit

II) Quality of product

III) Skill of work force

IV) Infusion of innovative techniques.
